jollyjack wrote:randomnameMKIII wrote:What's your sexual Orientation? Straight or gay?
jollyjack wrote:randomnameMKIII wrote:What's your sexual Orientation? Straight or gay?
jollyjack wrote:randomnameMKIII wrote:What's your sexual Orientation? Straight or gay?
Howdy Rowdy wrote:You've disappeared for a week! Is it because of:
(a) Playing APB again?
(b) Rampant esxing with your female fans?
(c) Work that pays?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Ganthan wrote:Have you played Brutal Legend yet?
I remember you saying on Deviant Art last year that you were looking forward to it. Since its release I've not read or heard a peep from you about it. Did you find out about its RTS style content and decide to give it a miss? I think it's bargain bin price by now.
jollyjack wrote:
No, I never got around to playing it.
I should, seeing as how I think very highly of Tim Schafer's work.
BeDaOrLiSeAr wrote:jolly jack, have you ever really demoralized yourself when drawing? And if so, how did you deal with it?
jollyjack wrote:randomnameMKIII wrote:What's your sexual Orientation? Straight or gay?
Last edited by randomnameMKIII on Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Pietja wrote:I've got a question :
How long does it take you to finish single SA strip now and then, that is, before you've got yourself Wacom Cintiq? I want to know how did that technological thingie helped with the speed of your work.
And I'm talking about average, semi-detailed strip, without too much fancy & detailed stuff (casual clothing, no detailed background objects, etc).
Trevon Fox wrote:When will we meetz fern again????!!!!
appleclock wrote:Hello PMJ.
Riding the internet I've found your "Nurse Sally vs the mutants" and "Supersized" starring Kat and weird milkshake. And you know what? They were freaking great!
The stories are silly and not weighted by heavy plot, but that cheesines and ™ humor made them a huge piece to enjoy. Thanks for that.
On the other hand, they're drawn pretty roughly and sketchy, so here is a bunch of questions related:
0) Is there a chance that you'll finish them (digitally/ink and stuf) and publish?
1) Are there gonna be a continue of the story about Sally or some other SA-cast characters non-web comics?
2) Can you, please, name a few projects you are currently working on?
3) Why Art is so gratitude to Kylie? (page 51 of the Tome)
BeDaOrLiSeAr wrote:jolly jack, is there one particular experience that made you hate M$?
BeDaOrLiSeAr wrote:JJ, did you know that is a furniture site?
cenaris wrote:In Chloe's universe, is she well known/famous?
26_994 wrote:
Mr. JJ ,
What happened with frequency of making new strips of S.A.?
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