I've always been partial to 3rd person melee combat games myself, it's just a crying shame that there hasn't been anything of decent quality and length since 2005. 2005 had stuff like Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, The Warriors, Nanobreakers, Rise of the Kasai and Dynasty Warriors 5. The few years prior to that also had the Legacy of Kain series which was great.
What the hell happened since then? Brutal Legend was great but should have been far longer, Viking: Battle for Asgard and Darksiders were only just okay but that seems to be it. Golden Axe: Beastrider, Conan, God of War, Dante's Inferno, Bayonetta, The Force Unleashed, and any game with the word 'Game' in the title could get a eunuch off with their suckage.
I blame this decline in quality and quantity on two main things:
1. Quick Time Events. OMFG GANTHAN IS MAKING YET ANOTHER RANT ON QTE's I SOOO DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!11 I digress. I'll spare everyone this time and simply sum up that I personally think that the QTE as a gameplay mechanic for brawlers is the shittiest shit that ever got shit out of the shit crusted shithole of the shit for brains shithead who had the brilliant (sarcasm, btw) idea in the first place.
2. Lack of multiplayer. This one I thought of just the other day, but maybe one of the issues here is the difficulty in making a multiplayer game out of this genre. I'm not too bothered about it as I've always been more of a single player campaign kind of gamer, but I guess I'm the minority now. A lot of people seem to be into the online multiplayer thing these days which probably explains the booming success of first person shooters and RTS. Come on now, developers. If I just sat around thinking I'm sure I could come up with all sorts of multiplayer features for brawlers.
There are a few more titles on the way like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Warriors: Legends of Troy and Captain Blood. I really want to see Edge of Twilight but I'm not sure that one's even alive anymore. To be honest, though, I'm not holding out much hope. I remember a time when it was perfectly normal to be excited about new games because more often than not they tended to be really good.
Now publishers are starting to realize that they can squeeze more money out of us through DLC. Well that's just fucking great.
What the hell happened since then? Brutal Legend was great but should have been far longer, Viking: Battle for Asgard and Darksiders were only just okay but that seems to be it. Golden Axe: Beastrider, Conan, God of War, Dante's Inferno, Bayonetta, The Force Unleashed, and any game with the word 'Game' in the title could get a eunuch off with their suckage.
I blame this decline in quality and quantity on two main things:
1. Quick Time Events. OMFG GANTHAN IS MAKING YET ANOTHER RANT ON QTE's I SOOO DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!11 I digress. I'll spare everyone this time and simply sum up that I personally think that the QTE as a gameplay mechanic for brawlers is the shittiest shit that ever got shit out of the shit crusted shithole of the shit for brains shithead who had the brilliant (sarcasm, btw) idea in the first place.
2. Lack of multiplayer. This one I thought of just the other day, but maybe one of the issues here is the difficulty in making a multiplayer game out of this genre. I'm not too bothered about it as I've always been more of a single player campaign kind of gamer, but I guess I'm the minority now. A lot of people seem to be into the online multiplayer thing these days which probably explains the booming success of first person shooters and RTS. Come on now, developers. If I just sat around thinking I'm sure I could come up with all sorts of multiplayer features for brawlers.
There are a few more titles on the way like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Warriors: Legends of Troy and Captain Blood. I really want to see Edge of Twilight but I'm not sure that one's even alive anymore. To be honest, though, I'm not holding out much hope. I remember a time when it was perfectly normal to be excited about new games because more often than not they tended to be really good.
Now publishers are starting to realize that they can squeeze more money out of us through DLC. Well that's just fucking great.