He is watching her literally choke and the first thing he does is make a quip?
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OrlahEhontas wrote:Actually, no they hadn't. The Kinder Surprise originated in 1973 in Italy. The US FDA law prohibiting the import and consumption of that type of treat was enacted in 1938. A difference of some 35 years that the US FDA has been protecting the American public from “the sale of any candy that has embedded in it a toy or trinket”, even before the candy was invented. Granted, the fine of $2500 USD per egg seems a tad excessive....SPRoss wrote:arthurnonimus wrote:VM893 wrote:I think recall some family friends who were Polish that invited us for Easter and they had kinder eggs. wonder how they were able to get those if they're banned in the U.S? maybe they smuggled them in from Canada....along with possible cheap meds (hahaha).
What the hell, banned?!?
Yes, apparently authorities in the US took offense to the idea of marketing a choking hazard to children, go figure. Oddly, Kinder Eggs had been available for years beforehand, so read what you will into that.
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