Some I'm looking forward too.
Firstly, Batman:AC. Loved the look and feel of AA, and completed it so many times, and completed again this month, in prep for AC. Hoping AC will be just as fantastic. Been keeping away from anything that spoils this game for me. So it'll be a exciting and shocking on who's in it.
Secondly, is a little bit of an unknown series. Disgaea 4, A Promise Unforgotten. So a bit of background about the Disgaea games. It's a Tactical RPG game (like Final Fantasy tactics), which is heavy on the grinding. Heavy on Parody and comedy. Heavy on Bright and bouncy graphics. I love the series, (except 2....took me many a years three years to force myself to beat the game). You don't need to play the other games in the series to play this one, but it's helpful. And Disgaea one does go into depth in a creature called a Prinny (they're adorable), but it's not needed to enjoy the other games. Disgaea one is available on PS2/PSP/DS. Disgaea Two is available on PS2/PSP and Disgaea 3/4 is available on PS3. With lots of hidden content, and lots to do. It's a fantastic series. (Four is yet to be released in the UK, but I've ordered an US import, which should come any day now Dood.)
Elder Scolls V: I really need to explain this game? And why I'm anticipating it.....really?.....Also little fact that I've not completed IV yet.....working on that as I type.
And finally....Assassin's Creed Revelations. Again. All games have been great so far. Easy to play style, makes me want to go and learn parkour every time I play it.