Tales of tolerance and how someone is as much people as you or me, all resolved happily ever after at the end, is all fine and dandy, but Jolly Jack touches on something typically skipped over, the awkwardness of normal, everyday dealing with otherwise fine people who make one uncomfortable. Obviously, such awkwardness isn't wrong in and of itself. It's how we express it that's the problem.
Plus, the neighbors must get just as awkward when dealing with Art and company. The naked guy on the lawn was minor compared to that Denizen-built rocket blasting off or the alien spaceship that wrecked the joint. That the neighbors might be a bit unconventional is probably a given. We often don't think a lot about how those oddball neighbors consider us the weirdos.
And then Art's scooter runs off with Gary on a madcap, cross-country trip that ends in Jolly Jack's most surreal Apsara yet.